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Enjoy your boat like never before

After years of experience in the automation field and with stabilizazion systems for automotive and nautical, we're (almost) ready to ship a one-of-a-kind product.
Our anti-roll chair is not just a very comfortable chair. It counteracts the rolling of your boat, making seasickness a problem of the past.
main features

Seasick no more

In this short demonstration, a person is sitting on the chair while framing the horizon with a camera.

This is a small preview of how effective our anti-roll chair is, even on a small fishing boat.

Stabilized comfort

Our tests show that our chair reduces rolling by more than 90%.
And even when the sea is very calm, it's a very comfortable chair!


The chair is conveniently foldable and can easily fit on any kind of boat. Footprint is just 1.5 x 0.6 meters.

Battery powered

Or plug, your choice.
It can be powered or recharged by your on-board power supply.
Battery life is about 4 hours.
Our anti-roll chair will be available soon.
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